What is an email Return Receipt (RR), and how do you use it properly?

Do you know what an email Return Receipt is? Have you ever used one? Surprisingly, most folks will answer “no.” That is up until you receive one.

Return receipts are the sender’s request to know that an email has been opened on the recipient’s computer. When the email is opened, a system-generated email confirms this. However, It does not ensure that the recipient reads your message.

Return Receipt Best Practices

A site visitor emailed asking how and when to use Return Receipts (RR) because one of his friends made this request with every email they sent. That’s not how RRs are supposed to be used.

Email programs tend to set this feature to “disregard” or “ignore.” Review your settings to become familiar with your options.

Don’t be a busybody!

Do you have someone who has this feature turned on for every single email? You don’t want to be “that person” who wants to know when every one of their emails is received, especially when the content is not critical. It makes you appear to be a control freak.

Sometimes, those who do this may not even know they have this option selected. You could very nicely email them with a “Did you know…..” and explain this is not a feature to use for every single casual email. Use this as a teachable moment.

The recipient should have the privacy to determine when/if they want to read an email and reply to it. And again, remember that received does not mean read.

RRs should be reserved for instances where it is critical to know the email was received/opened; preferably, the other side is open to acknowledging that. Examples would include legal and vital business issues.

Most Decline Anyways

In most cases, those who turn this functionality on are not aware of what will happen when they do. They think how neat it would be to “know.” They don’t realize that the other side often has to approve the request, which can become annoying.

My email program is set, so I do not send any RRs. Any requests are just ignored. When I open an email, it is none of anyone’s bee’s wax. When it is a serious matter, and I can understand why an RR is requested, I change my settings to provide my approval.

Legal and Business Issues

RRs are best used when you want proof or a trail to document that an email was sent and subsequently opened—for example, legal papers, contracts, non-disclosure agreements, etc.

I know some folks who set RRs for family and friends who do not reply to their emails. They want to confirm that the email was opened because they believe they are being ignored.

If RRs are set to be ignored, you still won’t know the recipient’s intent in not replying (or maybe you do). If you send an RR and get no response, don’t make any assumptions.

If you feel you are being ignored, I think there is a better approach than using an RR. Think ahead and include a request for a response in your email. Better yet, pick up the phone.

I have never found a reason to use RRs with personal emails to friends or family. To send an RR request for every day-to-day email, especially personal email, is simply unnecessary (and, honestly, a PIA).

Now you know what a return receipt is and when to use it. Check your email program settings to be aware of the options available so you can use them correctly and with discretion.