Background to Isaiah
—Page 3, Isaiah in the New Testament

Isaiah Introductions

This page is not itself a Bible lesson suitable for class. However it is an excellent resource out of which several class studies could be created. This page is also a worthwhile personal study and is a handy help. Isaiah is frequently quoted in the New Testament, and this page gives you the references and links them to the appropriate lesson in the series called "Isaiah Gleanings".

5 New Testament Quotes of Isaiah


Matthew 1:23 Virgin with child (Isaiah 7:14)

Matthew 3:3 Voice in wilderness (Isaiah 40:3)

Matthew 4:15 A light in darkness (Isaiah 9:1)

Matthew 8:17 Carried our diseases (Isaiah 53:4)

Matthew 12:18 Behold My Servant (Isaiah 42:1)

Matthew 12:21 Hope for Gentiles (Isaiah 42:4)

Matthew 13:14 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:9)

Matthew 15:7 They worship in vain (Isaiah 29:13)

Matthew 21:13 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)


Mark 9:48 Fire is not quenched (Isaiah 66:24)

Mark 11:17 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)


Luke 2:32 Light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6)

Luke 19:46 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)


John 6:45 All be taught of God (Isaiah 54:13)

John 12:39 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:10)


Acts 7:48 Heaven is my throne (Isaiah 66:1)


Romans 9:19-21 Potter and the clay (Isaiah 29:16)

Romans 9:27 Remnant shall be saved (Isaiah 10:22)

Romans 9:33 Stone of stumbling (Isaiah 8:14)

Romans 10:15 How beautiful the feet (Isaiah 52:7)

Romans 11:8 A spirit of stupor (Isaiah 29:10)

Romans 11:26 Deliverer from Zion (Isaiah 59:20)

Romans 11:34 The mind of the L ord (Isaiah 40:13)

Romans 14:11 Every knee shall bow (Isaiah 45:23)

Romans 15:12 Hope for Gentiles (Isaiah 42:4)

Romans 15:12 The Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10)

Romans 15:21 They shall understand (Isaiah 52:15)


1Corinthians 1:19 The wisdom of the wise (Isaiah 29:14)

1Corinthians 2:9 Eye has not seen (Isaiah 64:4)

1Corinthians 14:21 Speak in strange tongues (Isaiah 28:11)

1Corinthians 15:32 Tomorrow we may die (Isaiah 22:13)

1Corinthians 15:54 Death swallowed up (Isaiah 25:8)

2Corinthians 6:17 Come out from among them (Isaiah 52:11)


1Peter 2:8 Stone of stumbling (Isaiah 8:14)

1Peter 2:22 He committed no sin (Isaiah 53:9)

1Peter 3:14 Do not be in fear (Isaiah 8:12)


Galatians 4:27 Rejoice barren woman (Isaiah 54:1)

Ephesians 6:14-17 Belt, breastplate, helmet (Isaiah 11:5, 59:17)

Revelation 3:7 The key of David (Isaiah 22:22)

Webservant Ron Graham