Our Free School Fundraiser Participation Waiver Form Template

It’s easier than ever for students to sign up for your school fundraiser activities, thanks to this participation waiver form template for schools and PTAs! Download it here, then use the instructions provided to upload it to your FutureFund campaigns.

Person on laptop filling out waiver form

Students often need permission from their parents and guardians before they can participate in your A-Thon fundraisers and other events, so your school group needs to make this step as easy as possible if you want lots of students to register! Fortunately, we’ve made that part easy.

FutureFund’s registration tools make it easy to set up custom participation waiver forms—and if you’re not a user yet, we’ve also included a downloadable template below that you can use to manually create a school fundraiser participation waiver form in just a couple of minutes.

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Download the Template Here

Note: This template is intended as a guideline. Please consult your school’s legal advisor for compliance with local laws and regulations.

How to Use This Template

Our template is as simple and self-explanatory as possible, but here are some instructions to keep in mind while tailoring it for the needs of your school or PTA:

Creating new participation waiver form with FutureFund

Creating a Fundraiser Participation Waiver Form with FutureFund

The template above will save you some time if you need to create waiver forms manually, but FutureFund can make the process even easier. When you use our platform, you can quickly create custom forms and waiver and share them with automatically generated links. Here’s how:

Skylark Fun Run Waiver from FutureFund

Editing Your Participation Waiver Form

Start Your Fundraiser With FutureFund

FutureFund is FREE for schools, PTAs, and school groups. Start your fundraiser today!

Sharing Your Form & Viewing Responses

Help Students Sign Up for Your Fundraisers & Watch Participation Soar

The easier you make it for parents to give participation to students, the more of them you can expect to register for your fundraisers and the more you’ll likely raise. The manual template we’ve provided in this post can help, but using FutureFund to build and send your waiver forms is even easier—and can save valuable time for your parent volunteers.

Get started now with our platform that is 100% free for school groups, or explore the FAQ to learn more about building your waiver forms. Together, we’ll help make sure your school fundraisers bring in more interest, and more money for your community.

Frequently Asked Questions about FutureFund’s Forms & Waivers

What elements can I put in FutureFund forms & waivers?

The custom forms and waivers you create in FutureFund can have any of the following elements:

Uploading permission slip to FutureFund campaign

Can I create a manual permission form and upload it to FutureFund?

Yes! Simply create your form using the template in this article (or another tool of your choice), then save it as a PDF and upload it to your FutureFund campaign by following these steps:

Attaching permission slip to FutureFund message

Can I use FutureFund’s messaging system to send manual permission forms & waivers?

Yes! Just follow these steps:

Use FutureFund for Free

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